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Anticipant les Olympiades de 2004, Michel Demopoulos et le Festival du film de Thessalonique ont organisé en automne 2003 une rétrospective consacrée à la Mythologie grecque au cinéma. S’y cotoyaient des péplums comme Hercule et la Reine de Lydie et Le Géant de Thessalie, des tragédies grecques tel Iphigénie et des films aux thématiques plus sous-jacentes comme A Dream of Passion (Jules Dassin, 1978) ou Médée l’infanticide, Eurydice BA 2037 (Nikos Nikolaidis, 1975) ou l’amour impossible, The Travelling Players (Theo Angelopoulos, 1975) ou l’Orestie transposée dans la guerre civile grecque, Oedipus Rex (P.P. Pasolini, 1967) etc.

Que nous reste-t-il de cette activité ? Un superbe catalogue cartonné - en grec, anglais, allemand ou espagnol; hélas pas en français - que l’on peut se procurer en cliquant (pour les conditions et prix, voir ci-dessous) et un site Internet encore en cours de construction (

This catalogue has been published on the occasion of the retrospective event under the same title organised by the TIFF as part of the events held in Greece and abroad within the frame of the Cultural Olympiade 2001-2004. After its presentation in Athens Thessaloniki and the Olympic cities (Volos, Patras, Herakleion) in autumn 2003, part of this event was presented in three European cities in early 2004: Berlin, Madrid and London. 45 films from the international production were screened, as well as 12 recorded theatre performances of Greek drama, 11 dance films and a dance performance based on Greek Myths, and a photography exhibition.

The Greek edition includes cinema theory articles on the presence of Greek Myths in cinema, catalogue of all the presented films with critical articles and photographic material, theory texts on the relationship of cinema with the important drama performances of the 20th century and on the relationship between myth, dance and film.

Separate editions with part of its contents have been published in English, German and Spanish.
Publishing house:
Thessaloniki International Film Festival
Editor: Michel Demopoulos assisted by Babis Aktsoglou, Plato Mavromoustacos and Christiana Galanopoulou
Pages: 340 (Greek), 156 (English), 80 (German and Spanish)
Price: 28 EUR (Greek), 20 EUR (English), 5 EUR (German and Spanish)
In order to buy this edition in Greek English, German or Spanish, please contact